Thursday, July 06, 2023

All New Trucking Along Class to Go

 Good Morning, Stampers!

There is a lot of buzz going on with the NEW Online Exclusive Trucking Along bundle that is available starting July 6th! As a demonstrator, we got a sneak peek at this bundle and the feedback is EVERYONE WANTS ONE!! There are several different iimages to stamp into the back of the truck making it very versatile for lots of occasions and events throughout the year!

Online Exclusives are available for a limited time so there is no guarantee how long it will be in the store or if it the supply will be replenished, so I am offering a PRE-ORDER for this Kit to Go.

(Click photo to enlarge)

Trucking Along Kit to Go w/ Bundle - $60.00 - Contact me directly (+ USPS shipping)

(Kit will ship by July 20th)

Trucking Along Kit ONLY - $15.00 - HERE (+USPS shipping)

(Kit will ship by July 20th)

Trucking Along PDF ONLY - $5.95 - HERE

(PDF will ship by July 20th)

Happie Stampin'!~

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